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Behaviour Curriculum

Behaviour and Attitudes

We aim to ensure that all our children become socially responsible citizens of our community and the wider world. To enable this we provide consistent expectations, clear follow up and support when things might not go as expected. We want to ensure that children can learn and play in a calm and safe environment.  

We understand that all behaviour is communication and recognise that children may require support in communicating effectively in a wide variety of social settings.  In these times we will connect before correction and when required delve deeper into understanding the individual before taking next steps.

The world can be a complex place for children to navigate: our embedding school values and relationships policy aims to help children to find their way successfully; forming strong,  positive and trusting relationships with both children and staff. Staff are proactive in building safe and trusting relationships with children. They will give time throughout the school day to get to know each individual so that they feel valued and understood. All staff will teach children appropriate behaviours and enable them to apply this learning to a variety of settings.

We establish an environment where exemplary behaviour is at the heart of productive learning. We know that a consistent environment along with understood routines and expectations aid children to feel safe and secure. We want our children to have a real sense of security in our adults.

Specific and  labelled positive reinforcement develops self confidence and develops an understanding of appropriate behaviour.  Our staff will note behaviour that goes beyond the expected expectation. 


  • ●  To create a culture of exceptionally good behaviour: for learning and for community for life.

  • ●  To ensure that all learners are treated fairly, shown respect and to promote good relationships.

  • ●  To refuse to give learners attention and importance for poor conduct.

  • ●  To help learners take control over their behaviour and be responsible for the consequences of it.

  • ●  To build a community which values care, humour, respect and empathy for others.

  • ●  To promote community cohesion through improved relationships.

  • ●  To ensure that excellent behaviour is a minimum expectation for all.



  • ●  Consistent language; consistent response: Referring to the agreement made between staff and learners, simple and clear expectations reflected in all conversations about behaviour.

  • ●  Consistent follow up: Ensuring ‘certainty’ at the classroom, phase and senior leadership level. Never passing problems up the line, teachers taking responsibility for behaviour interventions, seeking support but never delegating.

  • ●  Consistent positive reinforcement: Routine procedures for reinforcing, encouraging and celebrating appropriate behaviour.

  • ●  Consistent consequences: Defined, agreed and applied at the classroom level as well as established structures for more serious behaviours.

  • ●  Consistent, simple rules/agreements/expectations: promoting appropriate behaviour

  • ●  Consistent respect from the adults: Even in the face of disrespectful behaviours - we remain unshockable.

  • ●  Consistent models of emotional control: Emotional restraint that is modelled and not just taught, teachers as role models for learning

  • ●  Consistently reinforced rituals and routines for behaviour: In classrooms, around the site, at reception.

  • ●  Consistent environment: Display the quality of a good primary school, consistent visual messages that echoes our core values




  • ●  INFANTS - we care about ourselves and others.

  • ●  JUNIORS- we try our best in all that we do and assist others to do the same.



  • ●  INFANTS - we look after our school and take pride in our work.

  • ●  JUNIORS- we are where we should be and contributing effectively.


  • ●  INFANTS- we try our best in all that we do.

    ●  JUNIORS - we have a can-do attitude and remain solution focused.


    For more information please read the behaviour policy below.

    Our Behaviour policy is complimented by our EI curriculum and our PSHE curriculum (relationships)


Pupil Survey